VCs & PEs need help determining who can genuinely fix portfolio problems.

A Fractional Advisor, in our context, is a highly skilled professional who provides specialized problem-solving services on a part-time or project basis. They bring their expertise to bear on specific portfolio issues, offering a unique and cost-effective skills to a solution.

In today’s competitive landscape, the ability to swiftly diagnose and address portfolio issues and challenges is paramount to the success of these companies. In the last eighteen (18) months, we’ve spoken to over a thousand tech executives looking for a new gig.

Over a decade-plus of headhunting them, we know a few.

Everyone we speak with is hanging the “Fractional Advisor” sign-up. We see mostly “Growth at All Cost “Advisors,” and we are sure you are, too. They really cannot fix anything; they never had to.

The Portfolios need help across all business units, from GTM to Marketing, Ecosystems, Engineering, Strategy, PMF, and Finance. The builders, doers, and fixers are who you must find. We deliver Fractional’s “Speed the cures” for portfolio problems.

Let us do the hard work more cost-efficiently. By partnering with us, you can focus on running your firm, knowing that you’re making a smart efficient decision.

Meet us. Meet the Fractionals.